Changing the world with behavioral science: an interview with Anthony Biglan

(si están buscando la entrevista en español, pueden acceder haciendo clic aquí) Anthony Biglan hardly requires an introduction. He has been conducting research on prevention science for the past 30 years, on topics such as risk and protective factors associated with tobacco, alcohol, and drug use; high-risk sexual behavior; antisocial behavior; interventions to prevent high-risk…

Interview with Jonathan Kanter: Using the power of the therapeutic relationship to promote change

(La entrevista en castellano está en este link) Jonathan W. Kanter, Ph.D., is Director of the Center for the Science of Social Connection at the University of Washington.  Dr. Kanter’s current research focuses on human closeness and connection, hypothesized to be a trans-diagnostic dimension that mediates outcomes with respect to broad domains of human functioning,…