
El video es una extensión de este artículo que hemos publicado en el blog:

El abordaje contextual e integral de la depresión: una propuesta

Algunos de los artículos que allí se citan, referidos a los factores socioculturales que afectan la prevalencia de depresión son los siguientes (click en cada uno para descargarlo)

1989 – Social support and the outcome of major depression – George et al

1991 – Poverty and Psychiatric Status – Bruce, Takeuchi, Leaf

2001 – The impact of homophobia, poverty, and racism on the mental health of gay and bisexual Latino men findings from 3 US cities. – Dí

2003 – Poverty, Inequality, And Discrimination As Sources Of Depression Among U.S. Women – American Psychological Association. Division

2010 – Depressive disorders in epilepsy – Todorova, Arnaoudova

2010 – Depression and cancer mortality a meta-analysis – Pinquart, Duberstein

2011 – Depression in epilepsy a critical review from a clinical perspective – Hoppe, Elger

2013 – The association between diet quality, dietary patterns and depression in adults A systematic review – Quirk et al

2014 – Income inequality among American states and the incidence of major depression – Pabayo, Kawachi, Gilman

2014 – Prevalence of depression in people living with HIVAIDS undergoing art and factors associated with it – Bhatia, Munjal

2014 – Depression in homeless mothers Addressing an unrecognized public health issue. – Bassuk, Beardslee

2015 – Comorbidity of Depression with Physical Disorders Research and Clinical Implications – Kang et al

2016 – The healthy activity program lay counsellor delivered treatment for severe depression in India Systematic development and randomi